The Election


In 2024, elections at TUM will take place on Tuesday, July 9 from 9 am to 5 pm.
General information about the election can be found on the website of the TUM Student Representation: University Elections.


With your vote you set the direction of TUMs’ policy for the next year!
However, more importantly you will strengthen the backing of the student representation on the committees by a high voter turnout, thus influencing the development of your faculty and university. In this way you strengthen the position of the elected students who stand up for your interests. And of course, your participation and your support will motivate us immensely!

Postal vote

If you do not want to come to the university for the election due to the current coronavirus situation, you have the possibility to register for an postal vote.
To do so, visit TUMonline and after your login click on “Printouts for students” and then on “Request a postal vote”.
All information and detailed instructions for postal voting you can also find on the website of the Student Representation under the item postal vote.

  • simply apply online and have it sent by post by Tuesday, 27 June 2023
  • fill out ballot papers
  • Send back to the electoral office (UNFRANKED within Germany) or hand it in directly to the electoral office